28 Mar 2024
Celebrating Women Making a Difference - An Interview with Leenah Safi

In recognition of Women’s History Month, on today’s episode of The “Center,” we are joined by Leenah Safi. Ms. Safi is the daughter of Syrian immigrants and is currently completing Ph.D. work at Chicago Theological Seminary. As a Muslim woman, Leenah has immersed herself in full-time community work as a college chaplain with a Muslim nonprofit called the Felicity Foundation. Inspired and deeply challenged by the necessary work of supporting adolescents navigating educational and community belonging, she transitioned to doctoral studies to further identify the gaps in the identity formation of young Muslims and is actively learning and teaching in the fields of pastoral care, theology, and religious education. Join us for this important conversation on the significance of women's voices within all faith traditions.



Podcast Resources:


To read the passage in the Quran that references Shūrā; which is most readily translated as a practice of “consultation”, reference to Qur’an 3:159, and click here:




To learn more about the efforts being made to illuminate the voices of Muslim women in pastoral care, consider these resources:


Caregiving and Contemplative Spiritual Care Practices in the age of COVID-19.” Postcolonial Practices of Care. Edited by Hellena Moon and Emmanuel Lartey. (Pickwick, 2022).


 “They Say This Time Is Invaluable.Prayers and Blessings for Healthcare Workers. Edited by Mandy Mizelle. (Morehouse Publishing, 2021).


The Prophet’s Comfort: The Lady Fatima. A Short Biography.” Online (The Center for Global Muslim Life, 2016).


Here’s a resource intended for teens to learn more about how truth-telling (a component of Shūrā) is critical to the democratic process:



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